On the website: Go to Store menu and click on Purchase BabelGuides. You will see drop-down boxes by which you can filter by Composer, Poet/Librettist, Language, or Genre. Perhaps the easiest way to find a specific work is to type the title or composer's last name in the Search box and click on SEARCH. Using the Search box is effective as long as you know the exact title or spell the composer's name correctly. Problems occur when there are diacritical marks. In order to find "Fauré" one has to type the acute mark "é". "Faure" will not work; however, "Faur" will work. For the Brahms song Es träumte mir, the a umlaut "ä", must be present. Neither “traumte” nor “traeumte” works; however, “Es tr” will work.
Once filtered, the titles are in alpha order, and include articles; i.e. “Ein deutsches Requiem” starts with “Ein”. Filtering by Poet is useful for programming purposes, as in a set of Goethe songs by various composers.
Works are available for purchase and download in two formats: Complete (BabelGuideTM with native speaker reciting the text & printable PDF of the word-for-word translation and IPA Guide for the entire work) or by single movement, in the same configuration. For multiple searches, don’t forget to click on Clear Results.
In the SingersBabel app: Go to the Store
at the bottom of the screen. Ensuring that the Purchase Tab is toggled, you will see drop-down boxes by which you can filter by Composer, Poet/Librettist, Language, or Genre. Perhaps the easiest way to find a specific work is to type the title or composer's last name in the Search box and click on SEARCH. Using the Search box is effective as long as you know the exact title or spell the composer name correctly. Problems occur when there are diacritical marks. In order to find "Fauré" one has to type the acute mark "é". "Faure" will not work; however, "Faur" will work. For the Brahms song Es träumte mir, the a umlaut "ä", must be present. Neither “traumte” nor “traeumte” works; however, “Es tr” will work.
Once filtered, the titles are in alpha order, and include articles; i.e. “Ein deutsches Requiem” starts with “Ein”. Filtering by Poet is useful for programming purposes, as in a set of Goethe songs by various composers.
Individual works or movements from works are available. Once filtered, choose the work you are interested in by clicking on the “Details” button of that work. On that screen you will see the pertinent information regarding the BabelGuide, including a sample. You may click on the “Add to Wish List” button to add the work to your Wish List
or, click the “Buy” button to purchase.
Click on My Library to access the works you have purchased. For each work you will see the information regarding the work, a PDF which is printable, and at least two MP4 files. One is the Poetic Reading and the other will be either the Slow Reading, or the Alternating Reading, which alternates between Poetic and Slow, line by line, or both. Earlier versions of works have only Poetic and Slow readings. Click on the reading that you want to hear.